Retailer switching, Drawer, Filters, Product Variant and Catalogue Filter improvements
Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
3 Jan 2024
Target release date: | 2023-10-27 |
Release status: | Released |
Personalize your drawers in Fluent OMS via manifest. Following this configuration guide, you can now add any mystique components like cards and lists inside a drawer.
Switch between retailers and view orders, dashboard, or returns data related to the selected retailer. Check out the configuration guide to learn how.
Manage variant products without needing them linked to a standard product. As a result, the Fluent OMS manifest has been updated so that Variant Products with no associated Standard Products will now display correctly. The link to a Standard Product has been removed from breadcrumbs on the Variant Product Details page when a Variant Product has no associated Standard Product.
Create and update Products, Inventory, Virtual Catalogues, and Control Groups in the UI. Business Users can now easily create and manage Catalogues and Control Groups without the need for technical resources.
Comments can now be added to any order entity, including credit memos and invoices. You can also display the author of a comment next to the created comment. This allows you to record relevant information, such as Order cancellation reasons or Customer escalations, with the agent's name that made the action. Read our configuration guide to learn how to configure the comment entity.
Configure your default status filter options for pages, allowing easy filtering of custom workflow statuses. Learn how to enable the status filter with predefined values in this guide.
Have drawers automatically focus on your first input or scanned field. You can now reduce clicks by having a drawer automatically focus on the field you need. Before, you would need to select the input field in which you entered data manually.
A new function, dateSubtract, has been incorporated into Template Strings. This function enables you to subtract a specified amount of time from a given date.
Improve your Workflow design with our latest Workflow documentation updates. The documentation provides more information about Workflow Anti-Patterns and Workflow Principles.
- startQuantityAtMax WavePick prop: Before, if the pick component was true in Fluent Store the confirm dialog would show a picked quantity of 0. Now, the accurate picked quantity will be displayed.
- Autorefresh not updating useractions: Before, user actions would not appear for new data upon refresh. Now all data including useractions will be refreshed.
- Context Switcher: Before, the context switcher was limited to 100 locations. Now up to 5000 locations will appear.
- List Component: Before the "no records available" text was left aligned. Now it is centered across all columns.
- Languages: Before, translations would appear as null when words matched multiple languages. Now, they will show the appropriate word.
- Recently searched filters: Before the 'recently searched' dropdown would include results for all retailers. Now, it will only show the retailer the user is logged into.
- ArraySum template string: Before when the total result was 0 then 0[object Object][object Object] would be displayed. Now it will appear as 0 as expected.
- Images containing special characters: Before, images containing an '=' in the URL would not display. Now, images will correctly escape and display when they contain an '='.
- Extra articles in Wave: Before during a Wave, occasionally, extra Articles were unexpectedly being created. Now, this will not happen
- Returns Component: Before, when choosing a return reason it would sometimes not update on the first try. Now the value will update as expected
- Collecting Mixed Basket Orders: Before, Mixed Basket orders would not appear on collections pages in Fluent Store. Now, the reference manifest has been updated to include this order type.
- Printing on iOS: Before, users on iOS devices would sometimes experience issues where previewing content to be printed using would appear blank or out of alignment. Now, these issues have been resolved
- Print Component: Before, sometimes external fonts would not load when using , this issue has now been resolved
- Update Controls in UI: Before when updating a control an extra digit would be added to the value (1 -> 11). Now this will incrementally correct to the next integer value (1->2).
- Inventory Position Names: The Inventory Position page has been updated with a new query that now shows the Product Name & Location Name alongside the entity references, this column was previously empty in Fluent OMS.
- Responsive Date Picker: Before, the date range picker had usability issues on small format screens. Now it is fully responsive across all breakpoints.
- Page Component Mutations: Before, an array of strings could not be added against an entity via the UI and had to be done by API. Now there is a UI to add each string individually

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Released capability depth: | Fix, Enhancement, New capability |
Release bundle / Capability type: | Platform, Web apps, Fluent OMS |