Enable multiple delivery options for a single order alongside updated UI
Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
15 Mar 2024
Target release date: | 2023-02-22 |
Release status: | Released |
Capture multiple delivery addresses, order types and delivery types in a single order with UI views that also include new fields, extended character limits and the ability to view order costs. Enabling multiple delivery & order types in a single order enables customers to create more complex orders which suit their needs better.
Multiple Delivery Addresses
Customers can specify unique delivery addresses for each item in their order, including all delivery information such as the address, contact person's name, company name, and phone number.
📖 Read about multiple delivery addresses and configure them with the reference module documentation.
Multiple Pickup Locations
Offer customers the option to choose a different pickup location for each item to increase convenience and reduce the need for order consolidation.
📖 Learn more about multiple pickup locations and configure them with the reference module documentation.
Multiple Delivery Types
Provide customers with the option to select different delivery methods for individual items in their order, for example, allowing them to pick up one item while having another shipped directly to their home.
📖 Gain further knowledge about multiple delivery methods and configure them with the reference module documentation.
All new functionality is supported by an updated user interface in the Fluent OMS Web Application, making it easy for your customer success teams to support your business and customer.
Initial release

Released capability depth: | New capability |
Release bundle / Capability type: | Fluent OMS |