Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
1 Feb 2024
Warehouses configuration contains:
- Warehouses page
- Warehouse Details page
Key points
- Warehouses page
- Warehouse Details page
Warehouses page
Warehouses page displays the list of existing warehouses.

To search for and view warehouse details the Mystique SDK filter component should be used. The Filter component should perform the search based on the following filtering criterion:
- Location Ref
- Created On
- Updated On
Warehouses table displays information in the following columns:
- (Location) Ref: The unique reference of the location.
- (Location) Name: Name of the location.
- City: City.
- State: State.
- Country: Country.
- Status: Status of the location.
Warehouse Details page
The Warehouse Details page displays detailed information about the particular warehouse.

The detail view consists of the following tabs:
- Details
- Attributes
- Schedule
- Waves
- Positions
- Back to Warehouses : Link navigating back to the Warehouses page.
Details Tab
The details tab provides a detailed overview of the selected warehouse and is made up of:
- Summary card
- Address card
- Networks table
- Storage Area table
Summary card

Summary card contains the following information:
- ID: The unique location identifier assigned by Fluent Commerce.
- Ref: The location reference provided by the retailer.
- Name: Name of the location.
- Phone: The location contact number.
- Default Carrier: Carrier Reference.
- Type: Type of location.
- Status: Tracking ID. A unique identifier for the end user to link related Fulfilment options.
- Creation Date: Date and time when the location was created.
- Updated Date: Date and time when the location was last updated.
Address card

Address card contains the following information:
- Company Name: Retailer's business name.
- Address: The address of the location including city, country, postcode, state, street.
- Latitude: Location latitude.
- Longitude: Location longitude.
- Timezone: Timezone associated with the location.
Networks table

Networks table displays information in the following columns:
- ID: The unique network identifier assigned by Fluent Commerce.
- Ref: The unique reference of the network.
- Type: The type of network.
- Status: Status of network.
Storage Area table

Storage Area table displays information in the following columns:
- Name: The name of Storage Area.
- ID: The unique identifier of Storage Area.
- Status: Status of Storage Area.
- Type: Type of Storage Area.
Attributes tab
Attributes tab displays all attributes associated with the selected warehouse. The attributes tab consists of table Attributes with the following fields:
- Name: Displays the name of the attribute associated with the warehouse.
- Type: Displays the type of attribute associated with the warehouse.
- Value: Displays the value of the attribute.
Schedule tab

Schedule tab displays information of opening schedule of the selected warehouse. The Schedule tab consists of Opening Schedule card with the following:
- Opening 24 hours: Possible values are true or false.
- The list of days of the week with the set time range.
Waves tab

Waves table contains Waves table, displaying information in the following columns:
- ID: The unique identifier of Wave.
- Status: Status of the Wave.
- Fulfillment IDs: ID of associated fulfillment.
- Creation Date: Date and time when the wave was created.
Positions tab

Positions tab contains:
- Inventory Positions table
- Controls table
- Virtual Positions table
Inventory Positions table

Inventory Positions table displays information in the following columns:
- Ref: Inventory Position Ref. The unique reference of a particular inventory catalogue.
- Inventory Catalogue: The unique reference of a particular inventory catalogue.
- Product Ref: The unique reference of a stock keeping unit.
- Status: The status of a particular inventory position.
- On Hand: Date and time when the wave was created.
Controls table

Controls table displays information in the following columns:
- Ref: The unique reference of a particular control.
- Control Group: The unique reference of a particular inventory catalogue.
- Type: The type of a particular control.
- Status: The status of a particular control.
- Control Value: The value of the control.
Virtual Positions table

Virtual Positions table displays information in the following columns:
- Ref: The unique reference of a particular virtual position.
- Virtual Catalogue: The unique reference of a particular virtual catalogue.
- Product Ref: The unique reference of a stock keeping unit.
- Status: The status of a particular virtual position.
- Quantity: The quantity of a particular virtual position (ATS – Available to Sell).
Learn more about how to Configure OMS