commercetools prerequisites
Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
31 Jan 2024
commercetools connector enables the syncing between commercetools and the Fluent commerce system. There are specific settings that need to be configured in the commercetools system i.e.: custom fields, channels, etc.
Key points
- The commercetools connector allows seamless integration between commercetools and Fluent.
- The connector requires a set of custom fields and channels on commercetools. This article covers all the settings that need to be added to commercetools.
Custom fields will be required for the following areas:
- Order
- Order Line Item
- Delivery
- Channels
- Group key name: Fluent Custom Field
- Field name: Pickup Location Ref

Order Line Item
- Group key name : Fluent Fulfilment Metadata
- Field name : Fulfilment Metadata
- Group key name : Fluent Consignment
- Field name : Fluent Consignment Ref
- Fluent Consignment Status
Order Parcel
- Group key name : Fluent Article
- Field name : Fluent Tracking Url
- Group key name: Fluent Store Details
- Fields name:
- Type
- Status
- Phone No.
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Timezone
- Opening Schedule
- Attributes
commercetools Custom field collection
1 {
2 "info": {
3 "_postman_id": "a194556c-159f-4810-80a0-84776857dbae",
4 "name": "CT Custom Fields",
5 "schema": "",
6 "_exporter_id": "21544403"
7 },
8 "item": [
9 {
10 "name": "Create Order custom field",
11 "event": [
12 {
13 "listen": "test",
14 "script": {
15 "exec": [
16 "tests[\"Status code \" + responseCode.code] = responseCode.code === 200 || responseCode.code === 201;",
17 "var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
18 "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].id && data.results[0].version){",
19 " pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.results[0].id); ",
20 " pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.results[0].version);",
21 "}",
22 "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].key){",
23 " pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.results[0].key); ",
24 "}",
25 "if(data.version){",
26 " pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.version);",
27 "}",
28 "if({",
29 " pm.environment.set(\"type-id\",; ",
30 "}",
31 "if(data.key){",
32 " pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.key);",
33 "}",
34 ""
35 ],
36 "type": "text/javascript"
37 }
38 }
39 ],
40 "request": {
41 "auth": {
42 "type": "oauth2",
43 "oauth2": [
44 {
45 "key": "accessToken",
46 "value": "{{ctp_access_token}}",
47 "type": "string"
48 },
49 {
50 "key": "addTokenTo",
51 "value": "header",
52 "type": "string"
53 },
54 {
55 "key": "tokenType",
56 "value": "Bearer",
57 "type": "string"
58 }
59 ]
60 },
61 "method": "POST",
62 "header": [
63 {
64 "key": "Content-Type",
65 "value": "application/json"
66 }
67 ],
68 "body": {
69 "mode": "raw",
70 "raw": "{\n \"key\" : \"flOrderCustomField\",\n \"name\" : {\n \"en\" : \"Fluent Custom Field\"\n },\n \"description\" : {\n \"en\" : \"Fluent Custom Field\"\n },\n \"resourceTypeIds\" : [ \"order\" ],\n \"fieldDefinitions\" : [ {\n \"name\" : \"flPickupLocationRef\",\n \"label\" : {\n \"en\" : \"Pickup Location Ref\"\n },\n \"required\" : false,\n \"type\" : {\n \"name\" : \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\" : \"SingleLine\"\n } ]\n}"
71 },
72 "url": {
73 "raw": "{{host}}/{{project-key}}/types",
74 "host": [
75 "{{host}}"
76 ],
77 "path": [
78 "{{project-key}}",
79 "types"
80 ],
81 "query": [
82 {
83 "key": "expand",
84 "value": "",
85 "disabled": true
86 }
87 ]
88 }
89 },
90 "response": []
91 },
92 {
93 "name": "Create Lineitems custom fields",
94 "event": [
95 {
96 "listen": "test",
97 "script": {
98 "exec": [
99 "tests[\"Status code \" + responseCode.code] = responseCode.code === 200 || responseCode.code === 201;",
100 "var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
101 "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].id && data.results[0].version){",
102 " pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.results[0].id); ",
103 " pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.results[0].version);",
104 "}",
105 "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].key){",
106 " pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.results[0].key); ",
107 "}",
108 "if(data.version){",
109 " pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.version);",
110 "}",
111 "if({",
112 " pm.environment.set(\"type-id\",; ",
113 "}",
114 "if(data.key){",
115 " pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.key);",
116 "}",
117 ""
118 ],
119 "type": "text/javascript"
120 }
121 }
122 ],
123 "request": {
124 "auth": {
125 "type": "oauth2",
126 "oauth2": [
127 {
128 "key": "accessToken",
129 "value": "{{ctp_access_token}}",
130 "type": "string"
131 },
132 {
133 "key": "addTokenTo",
134 "value": "header",
135 "type": "string"
136 },
137 {
138 "key": "tokenType",
139 "value": "Bearer",
140 "type": "string"
141 }
142 ]
143 },
144 "method": "POST",
145 "header": [
146 {
147 "key": "Content-Type",
148 "value": "application/json"
149 }
150 ],
151 "body": {
152 "mode": "raw",
153 "raw": "{\n \"key\" : \"flFulfilment\",\n \"name\" : {\n \"en\" : \"Fluent Fulfilment Metadata\"\n },\n \"description\" : {\n \"en\" : \"Fluent Fulfilment Metadata\"\n },\n \"resourceTypeIds\" : [ \"line-item\" ],\n \"fieldDefinitions\" : [ {\n \"name\" : \"flFulfilmentMetadata\",\n \"label\" : {\n \"en\" : \"Fulfilment Metadata\"\n },\n \"required\" : false,\n \"type\" : {\n \"name\" : \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\" : \"SingleLine\"\n } ]\n}"
154 },
155 "url": {
156 "raw": "{{host}}/{{project-key}}/types",
157 "host": [
158 "{{host}}"
159 ],
160 "path": [
161 "{{project-key}}",
162 "types"
163 ],
164 "query": [
165 {
166 "key": "expand",
167 "value": "",
168 "disabled": true
169 }
170 ]
171 }
172 },
173 "response": []
174 },
175 {
176 "name": "Create Delivery custom fields",
177 "event": [
178 {
179 "listen": "test",
180 "script": {
181 "exec": [
182 "tests[\"Status code \" + responseCode.code] = responseCode.code === 200 || responseCode.code === 201;",
183 "var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
184 "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].id && data.results[0].version){",
185 " pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.results[0].id); ",
186 " pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.results[0].version);",
187 "}",
188 "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].key){",
189 " pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.results[0].key); ",
190 "}",
191 "if(data.version){",
192 " pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.version);",
193 "}",
194 "if({",
195 " pm.environment.set(\"type-id\",; ",
196 "}",
197 "if(data.key){",
198 " pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.key);",
199 "}",
200 ""
201 ],
202 "type": "text/javascript"
203 }
204 }
205 ],
206 "request": {
207 "auth": {
208 "type": "oauth2",
209 "oauth2": [
210 {
211 "key": "accessToken",
212 "value": "{{ctp_access_token}}",
213 "type": "string"
214 },
215 {
216 "key": "addTokenTo",
217 "value": "header",
218 "type": "string"
219 },
220 {
221 "key": "tokenType",
222 "value": "Bearer",
223 "type": "string"
224 }
225 ]
226 },
227 "method": "POST",
228 "header": [
229 {
230 "key": "Content-Type",
231 "value": "application/json"
232 }
233 ],
234 "body": {
235 "mode": "raw",
236 "raw": "{\n \"key\": \"flConsignment\",\n \"name\": {\n \"en\": \"Fluent Consignment\"\n },\n \"description\": {\n \"en\": \"Fluent Consignment\"\n },\n \"resourceTypeIds\": [\n \"order-delivery\"\n ],\n \"fieldDefinitions\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"flConsignmentRef\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Fluent Consignment Ref\"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"flConsignmentStatus\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Fluent Consignment Status\"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n }\n ]\n }"
237 },
238 "url": {
239 "raw": "{{host}}/{{project-key}}/types",
240 "host": [
241 "{{host}}"
242 ],
243 "path": [
244 "{{project-key}}",
245 "types"
246 ],
247 "query": [
248 {
249 "key": "expand",
250 "value": "",
251 "disabled": true
252 }
253 ]
254 }
255 },
256 "response": []
257 },
258 {
259 "name": "Create Parcel custom fields",
260 "event": [
261 {
262 "listen": "test",
263 "script": {
264 "exec": [
265 "tests[\"Status code \" + responseCode.code] = responseCode.code === 200 || responseCode.code === 201;",
266 "var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
267 "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].id && data.results[0].version){",
268 " pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.results[0].id); ",
269 " pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.results[0].version);",
270 "}",
271 "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].key){",
272 " pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.results[0].key); ",
273 "}",
274 "if(data.version){",
275 " pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.version);",
276 "}",
277 "if({",
278 " pm.environment.set(\"type-id\",; ",
279 "}",
280 "if(data.key){",
281 " pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.key);",
282 "}",
283 ""
284 ],
285 "type": "text/javascript"
286 }
287 }
288 ],
289 "request": {
290 "auth": {
291 "type": "oauth2",
292 "oauth2": [
293 {
294 "key": "accessToken",
295 "value": "{{ctp_access_token}}",
296 "type": "string"
297 },
298 {
299 "key": "addTokenTo",
300 "value": "header",
301 "type": "string"
302 },
303 {
304 "key": "tokenType",
305 "value": "Bearer",
306 "type": "string"
307 }
308 ]
309 },
310 "method": "POST",
311 "header": [
312 {
313 "key": "Content-Type",
314 "value": "application/json"
315 }
316 ],
317 "body": {
318 "mode": "raw",
319 "raw": "{\n \"key\": \"fluentarticle\",\n \"name\": {\n \"en\": \"Fluent Article\"\n },\n \"description\": {\n \"en\": \"Fluent Article\"\n },\n \"resourceTypeIds\": [\n \"order-parcel\"\n ],\n \"fieldDefinitions\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"trackingUrl\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Fluent Tracking Url\"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n }\n ]\n}"
320 },
321 "url": {
322 "raw": "{{host}}/{{project-key}}/types",
323 "host": [
324 "{{host}}"
325 ],
326 "path": [
327 "{{project-key}}",
328 "types"
329 ],
330 "query": [
331 {
332 "key": "expand",
333 "value": "",
334 "disabled": true
335 }
336 ]
337 }
338 },
339 "response": []
340 },
341 {
342 "name": "Create Channel custom fields",
343 "event": [
344 {
345 "listen": "test",
346 "script": {
347 "exec": [
348 "tests[\"Status code \" + responseCode.code] = responseCode.code === 200 || responseCode.code === 201;",
349 "var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
350 "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].id && data.results[0].version){",
351 " pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.results[0].id); ",
352 " pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.results[0].version);",
353 " pm.environment.set(\"fluent-channel-id\", data.results[0].id);",
354 "}",
355 "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].key){",
356 " pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.results[0].key); ",
357 "}",
358 "if(data.version){",
359 " pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.version);",
360 "}",
361 "if({",
362 " pm.environment.set(\"type-id\",; ",
363 "}",
364 "if(data.key){",
365 " pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.key);",
366 "}",
367 ""
368 ],
369 "type": "text/javascript"
370 }
371 }
372 ],
373 "request": {
374 "auth": {
375 "type": "oauth2",
376 "oauth2": [
377 {
378 "key": "accessToken",
379 "value": "{{ctp_access_token}}",
380 "type": "string"
381 },
382 {
383 "key": "addTokenTo",
384 "value": "header",
385 "type": "string"
386 },
387 {
388 "key": "tokenType",
389 "value": "Bearer",
390 "type": "string"
391 }
392 ]
393 },
394 "method": "POST",
395 "header": [
396 {
397 "key": "Content-Type",
398 "value": "application/json"
399 }
400 ],
401 "body": {
402 "mode": "raw",
403 "raw": "{\n \"key\" : \"flStoredetails\",\n \"name\" : {\n \"en\" : \"Fluent Store Details\"\n },\n \"description\" : {\n \"en\" : \"Fluent Store Details\"\n },\n \"resourceTypeIds\" : [ \"channel\" ],\n \"fieldDefinitions\" : [ {\n \"name\": \"flStoreType\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Type\"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"flStoreStatus\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Status\"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"flStoreEmail\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Email\"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"flStorePhoneNo\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Phone No.\"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"flStoreLatitude\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Latitude\"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"flStoreLongitude\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Longitude\"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"flStoreTimezone\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Timezone\"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"flOpeningSchedule\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Opening Schedule \"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"MultiLine\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"flStoreAttributes\",\n \"label\": {\n \"en\": \"Attributes \"\n },\n \"required\": false,\n \"type\": {\n \"name\": \"String\"\n },\n \"inputHint\": \"MultiLine\"\n } ]\n}"
404 },
405 "url": {
406 "raw": "{{host}}/{{project-key}}/types",
407 "host": [
408 "{{host}}"
409 ],
410 "path": [
411 "{{project-key}}",
412 "types"
413 ],
414 "query": [
415 {
416 "key": "expand",
417 "value": "",
418 "disabled": true
419 }
420 ]
421 }
422 },
423 "response": []
424 }
425 ]
426 }
Language: json
Name: Postman collection
[Warning: empty required content area]