Setup your Development Environment for Rules SDK
Lesley Dean
Changed on:
1 July 2024
Key Points
- Step-by-step guide to setup Rule SDK in your local Environment.
Please note
The Rules SDK is a Java and Maven based software development kit.
By default, Rules SDK expects JDK 8 and Maven 3.6.3, however later versions may be used by modifying the generated project and environment outlined in the (Optional) Update your Plugin Project for JDK 17+ guide.
- A fully setup and functioning Fluent Account
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Apache Maven
- Java IDE (IntelliJ)
- GraphQL Plugin for IntelliJ
- NodeJS
- Postman
Install the Java Development Kit (JDK)
Install Apache Maven
The Rules SDK expects Maven version 3.6, however a later version may be used. We recommend using Apache Maven 3.9.2.
Follow the installation guide for your operating system:
Install a Java IDE (IntelliJ)
Install a GraphQL Plugin (GraphQL for IntelliJ)
While this is not a required dependency, it is highly recommended, as it provides a number of helpful IDE features for working with GraphQL.
GraphQL Plugin can also be installed directly from the Marketplace inside IntelliJ:

Install NodeJS
The GraphQL Plugin for IntelliJ uses NodeJS. While most LTS versions should work, we recommend Node v18.
Install Postman
The hands-on labs in this course come with various Postman collections to facilitate interacting with the Fluent APIs.
What's next?
You're now ready to Create a new Rules Plugin Project