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Create Multiple Articles for a Fulfillment

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

30 Jan 2024

Key Points

  • Create Multiple Articles for a Fulfillment


Step arrow right iconPrerequisites

Enable multiple articles for a location by setting the PACKAGING attribute on the location.

1  mutation UpdateLocation($updateLocationInput:UpdateLocationInput!) {
2      updateLocation(input:$updateLocationInput) {
3          id
4      }
5  }

Language: json

Name: Update location


[Warning: empty required content area]
2    "updateLocationInput": {
3        "id": "{{location_id}}",
4        "attributes": [
5            {
6                "name": "PACKAGING",
7                "type": "OBJECT",
8                "value": [
9                    {
10                        "name": "Satchel 1kg (A4)",
11                        "depth": "350",
12                        "width": "280",
13                        "height": "40",
14                        "maxWeight": "1"
15                    },
16                    {
17                        "name": "Satchel 3kg (A3)",
18                        "depth": "410",
19                        "width": "325",
20                        "height": "90",
21                        "maxWeight": "3"
22                    },
23                    {
24                        "name": "Satchel 5kg (A2)",
25                        "depth": "580",
26                        "width": "430",
27                        "height": "80",
28                        "maxWeight": "5"
29                    },
30                    {
31                        "name": "Small Box",
32                        "depth": "400",
33                        "width": "200",
34                        "height": "180",
35                        "maxWeight": ""
36                    },
37                    {
38                        "name": "Medium Box",
39                        "depth": "405",
40                        "width": "300",
41                        "height": "220",
42                        "maxWeight": ""
43                    },
44                    {
45                        "name": "Large Box",
46                        "depth": "500",
47                        "width": "350",
48                        "height": "440",
49                        "maxWeight": ""
50                    }
51                ]
52            }
53        ]
54    }

Language: json

Name: Update Location Parameters


[Warning: empty required content area]

NOTE: Ensure that the GLOBAL_INVENTORY_ENABLED setting is set to true on RETAILER level.

Step arrow right iconStep 1

When the Confirm Order button is clicked in ServicePoint a WaveDispatch event is triggered against the WAVE (LOCATION workflow) which contains the multi-article information: WaveDispatch

2  "retailerId": "1",
3  "entityId": "183",
4  "name": "WaveDispatch",
5  "entityType": "WAVE",
6  "entityStatus": "PACK",
7  "attributes": {
8    "fulfilmentArticles": {
9      "218": [
10        {
11          "name": "Satchel 1kg (A4)",
12          "depth": "350",
13          "width": "280",
14          "height": "40",
15          "maxWeight": "1",
16          "weight": 1
17        },
18        {
19          "name": "Satchel 1kg (A4)",
20          "depth": "350",
21          "width": "280",
22          "height": "40",
23          "maxWeight": "1",
24          "weight": 1
25        }
26      ]
27    }
28  }

Language: json

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconStep 2

  • In the Location workflow the WaveDispatch ruleset and corresponding rules will be executed. In the default workflow this ruleset changes the wave status and notifies the corresponding fulfilments with a WaveDispatchInitiated event (see rule SendEventForAllFulfilmentsFromWave). This rule currently does not forward any article attributes to the fulfilment.

In order to enable the multi-article creation the rule needs to be replaced to forward the article details as attributes set in the event.

NOTE: The SendEventWithAttributesForAllFulfilments rule is a V1 rule and should be migrated to a V2 rule. However, it only sends an event and does not perform any GQL actions.

2    "name": "WaveDispatch",
3    "description": "Pack stage is complete. Now booking couriers.",
4    "type": "WAVE",
5    "eventType": "NORMAL",
6    "rules": [
7        {
8            "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.ChangeStateGQL",
9            "props": {
10                "status": "DISPATCH"
11            }
12        },
13        {
14            "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.SendEventWithAttributesForAllFulfilments",
15            "props": {
16                "eventName": "WaveDispatchInitiated"
17            }
18        }
19    ],
20    "triggers": [
21        {
22            "status": "PACK"
23        }
24    ],
25    "userActions": []

Language: json

Name: WaveDispatch Ruleset


[Warning: empty required content area]

Sample event sent to a fulfilment:

2  "name": "WaveDispatchInitiated",
3  "accountId": "{{fluentAccountId}}",
4  "retailerId": "{{retailer_id}}",
5  "entityId": "214",
6  "entityRef": "6c9b60fb-33d8-4ba6-a823-37622c8b47cd",
7  "entityType": "FULFILMENT",
8  "entityStatus":"FULFILLED",
9  "rootEntityId": "255",
10  "rootEntityRef": "CC_571",
11  "attributes":{
12    "fulfilmentArticles":[
13        {"name":"Satchel 1kg (A4)", "depth":"350", "width":"280", "height":"40", "maxWeight":"1", "weight":"1"},
14        {"name":"Satchel 1kg (A4)", "depth":"350", "width":"280", "height":"40", "maxWeight":"1", "weight":"1"}
15    ]
16  }

Language: json

Name: WaveDispatchInitiated Event


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconStep 3

In the order workflow the rule CreateArticlesForFulfilment can be used to create the corresponding articles

2  "name": "WaveDispatchInitiated",
3  "description": "Wave Dispatch initiated: this ruleset is to create articles as per user edition in Service Point Pack screen",
4  "type": "FULFILMENT",
5  "eventType": "NORMAL",
6  "rules": [
7    {
8      "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.CreateArticlesForFulfilment",
9      "props": {
10      }
11    }
12  ],
13  "triggers": [
14    {
15      "status": "FULFILLED"
16    },
17    {
18      "status": "PARTIALLY_FULFILLED"
19    }
20  ],
21  "userActions": []

Language: json

Name: WaveDispatchInitiated Ruleset Expand source


[Warning: empty required content area]
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

Create Multiple Articles for a Fulfillment

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