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Change Address Workflow Template Overview

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

3 Dec 2023

Key Points

  • User action capability is used to update the Delivery Info of an Order.


Step arrow right iconStep 1: Extend Home Delivery Order workflow to add a rule to change address

Home Delivery (HD) Order workflow should be extended to have a rule to change address. Add the following JSON fragment to the HD Order ruleset:

2    "name": "OrderAddressChange",
3    "description": "Order address is changed from admin console",
4    "type": "ORDER",
5    "subtype": "HD",
6    "eventType": "NORMAL",
7    "rules": [
8        {
9            "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.ChangeOrderDeliveryAddress",
10            "props": null
11        }
12    ],
13    "triggers": [
14        {
15            "status": "PENDING_PAYMENT"
16        },
17        {
18            "status": "BOOKED"
19        },
20        {
21            "status": "CREATED"
22        },
23        {
24            "status": "PICK_PACK"
25        }
26    ],
27    "userActions": [
28        {
29            "context": [
30                {
31                    "label": "CHANGE ADDRESS",
32                    "type": "SECONDARY",
33                    "modules": [
34                        "adminconsole"
35                    ],
36                    "confirm": true
37                }
38            ],
39            "attributes": [
40                {
41                    "name": "deliveryAddress",
42                    "label": "Address",
43                    "type": "ADDRESS",
44                    "source": "",
45                    "defaultValue": "",
46                    "mandatory": false
47                },
48                {
49                    "name": "changeReason",
50                    "label": "Change Reason",
51                    "type": "STRING",
52                    "source": "",
53                    "defaultValue": "",
54                    "mandatory": false
55                }
56            ]
57        }
58    ]

Language: json

Name: JSON fragment


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconStep 2: Extend fc.mystique.manifest.oms.fragment.ordermanagement setting

 setting should be extended with the following JSON fragment: Refer to Setting Edit Mutation to learn how to edit a setting.

Add the following JSON fragment to the setting

2    "type": "userAction",
3    "name": "OrderAddressChange",
4    "label": "Change Address",
5    "overrides": {
6        "deliveryAddress": {
7        "defaultValue": {
8            "companyName": "{{orderById.fulfilmentChoice.deliveryAddress.companyName}}",
9            "name": "{{orderById.fulfilmentChoice.deliveryAddress.name}}",
10            "street": "{{orderById.fulfilmentChoice.deliveryAddress.street}}",
11            "city": "{{orderById.fulfilmentChoice.deliveryAddress.city}}",
12            "postcode": "{{orderById.fulfilmentChoice.deliveryAddress.postcode}}",
13            "state": "{{orderById.fulfilmentChoice.deliveryAddress.state}}",
14            "country": "{{orderById.fulfilmentChoice.deliveryAddress.country}}"
15            }
16        }
17    }

Language: json

Name: JSON fragment


[Warning: empty required content area]
No alt providedNo alt providedNo alt provided

All marked fields in Home Delivery (HD) Order workflow should be equal corresponding fields in 


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