Changed on:
23 Oct 2024
Conditionally send an event to the Virtual Catalog (specified by its Reference) if it passes the "Network-Match-Check".
A Virtual Catalog passes the "Network-Match-Check" when its Network(s) finds a match with a given Inventory Position Location Network(s).
The `Rule NotifyVirtualCataloguesByRefsOnNetworksMatch`
Plugin Name | Inventory Reference Module |
Namespace | [[]].globalinventory |
The Inventory Reference Module is the foundation for inventory related implementations. It provides reference Workflows for inventory ingestion and processing. Extensible by design, use this Module as a base to build a solution to the needs of your customers.
The Inventory Module includes the following areas:
- Product Catalogue workflow
- Inventory Catalogue workflow
- Control Group workflow
- Virtual Catalogue workflow
Inventory Reference Module
The Inventory Reference Module is the foundation for inventory related implementations. It provides reference Workflows for inventory ingestion and processing. Extensible by design, use this Module as a base to build a solution to the needs of your customers.
The Inventory Module includes the following areas:
- Product Catalog workflow
- Inventory Catalog workflow
- Control Group workflows
- Virtual Catalog workflows
UI Description
Forward the event with name {eventName} to the virtual catalogue with ref {virtualCatalogueRef} if the current Inventory Positions location’s network ref is listed in the virtual catalogue's networkIds.
- This Rule conditionally produces a SendEventAction
Rule parameters
Name | Type | Description |
| The name of the event to be triggered |
| The reference of the virtual catalog to be notified |
Event attributes
This Rule does not expect any Event attributes.
- This Rule throws a when the Rule parameter(s) is not provided.
- This Rule throws a when the given Virtual Catalog (specified in the
Rule parameter) can not be found or does not have Networks configured properly.`virtualCatalogueRef`
Configuration example
2 "name": "[[]].globalinventory.NotifyVirtualCatalogueOnNetworkMatch",
3 "props": {
4 "eventName": "VirtualCatalogueEvent",
5 "virtualCatalogueRef": "VC_ref"
6 }
Language: json
Detailed Technical Description
This Rule conditionally produces a SendEventAction. The Rule condition is defined by the "Network-Match-Check", including the following steps:
- The Rule will get the Inventory Position.
It stops the execution when the Inventory Position can not be found. - The list of Networks (by ) assigned to the loaded Inventory Position Location will be retrieved.
- The Rule then gets the Virtual Catalog specified in the , including its list of associated Networks (stored in the
- The Networks lists mentioned (associated with the Location (point 2) and the Virtual Catalog (point 3)) will be compared. The Rule condition is met when any match case occurs.
- Finally, the event is sent to the Virtual Catalog if it passed the "Network-Match-Check".
The generated event contains the following event attributes:
Parameter | Description | Notes |
| Inventory Position reference | Legacy attribute |
| Location reference | Taken from the Inventory Position |
| Product reference | Taken from the Inventory Position |
| Inventory Position reference | Taken from
| Inventory Catalog reference | Legacy attribute |
Version History
This Rule has been extended with a pagination logic to ensure correct execution when a given Location belongs to more than 10 Networks, and the Virtual Catalog to be updated has a Network outside the first 10 Networks fetched.
The Rule Version refers to the Product Release Version.