Introduction to Webhooks
Ankit Mehta, Movyn John, Cille Schliebitz, Anita Gu
Changed on:
3 Feb 2025
In this lesson, we'll look at what Webhooks are, their structure, features and some recommended practices around using Webhooks.
Key points
- Introduction/Recap on what Webhooks are
- Webhook Structure
- Webhook Features
- Types of integrations for Webhooks
- Webhook best practices
Webhooks are a useful tool for external systems in need of executing code after a specific event happens in the Fluent OMS, such as when an order is booked, a fulfilment is created, or an item is picked. Webhooks provide the ability for external systems to rely on receiving events in real-time, rather than having to poll the Fluent APIs for information.
Here are some examples of Webhooks:
- Order status updates hook
- Email/SMS provider hook
- Carrier aggregator hook

Webhook structure
All webhooks posted by the Fluent platform use the standard Event Model. This is the same as the Event API payload.
Here you can see a Sample Payload for Webhooks.
2"id": "b34281d0-ada4-11e9-a1a7-5da7a83b9sd97cd" ,
3"name": "OrderStatusChange"
4"accountId": "ACME",
5"retailerId": "1",
6"rootEntityId": "123",
7"rootEntityRef": "0_123",
8"rootEntityType" : "ORDER",
9"entityId": "123"
10"entityRef": "0_123",
11"entityType": "ORDER",
12"entityStatus": "SHIPPED",
13"type": "NORMAL"
14"attributes": {
15 "ShippingPartner": "Awesome Shipping Co."
16 "TrackingNumber": "TRACKING123" ,
17 "TrackingURL": "http://awesomeshippingco.test/track/q=TRACKING123"
18 }
Language: json
Name: Sample Payload for Webhooks
Sample Payload for Webhooks
Next, we look at the Default SendWebhook Rule
Default SendWebhook Rule
SendWebhook is a standard rule that can be added to any ruleset in a workflow. The SendWebhook is used to post the corresponding event message to any endpoint that is specified.
The rule only accepts one parameter which is the url.
1"rules" : [
2 {
3"name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.SendWebhook",
4"props": { "url": "" }
5 }
Language: json
Name: Snippet
Note: The Orchestration Editor can be used to add a Rule to the Ruleset in the Workflow (as shown here), that is triggered by the specific event that needs to be captured. In this case, sending a Webhook when the order gets into AWAITING_COLLECTION status.

Webhook Retries
At times, the external parties may be unreachable due to connectivity issues; in these cases, if the Webhook request fails due to a connection timeout, the orchestration engine will automatically reattempt the Webhook request three times.
More information about Webhook Retries (opens in a new tab).
Next, we look at Webhook Signature Validation.
Webhook Signature Validation
-Why is a Webhook Signature needed? For security purposes, Fluent Commerce cryptographically signs each Webhook request with a private key before sending to the target endpoint.
-How is the request validated? To validate if the request came from Fluent Commerce and has not been tampered with or replaced by another third party, a public key is provided so that clients can verify that the signatures match the request.
-What does each request contain? Every Webhook request from the Fluent OMS contains two custom headers.
- flex.signature
- fluent-signature
Both headers contain a hash using the event body and the private key of the environment from which this request was generated.
-What's the difference between the two headers? The difference between the two is the algorithm used to generate the hash: flex.signature uses MD5withRSA while fluent-signature uses SHA512withRSA.
-How can the message be verified? Clients can use the Fluent Commerce public key (opens in a new tab) (x509 base64 encoded) to verify the message using either of the signatures based on their preferred hashing algorithm.
Recommended Practice: We always recommend using lightweight Webhooks, which means including only entityId/entityRef in the Webhook payload, and letting the external systems run a GraphQL query against that entityId to extract the required fields.
Common Integrations: Some common integrations that use Webhooks are
WMS integration: Outbound (Fulfilment Request)-Fulfilment requests to WMS/Distribution Center are sent using lightweight webhooks.
Carrier Integration: Outbound-Carrier booking, label and Manifest requests are initiated through a light weighted Webhook from Fluent OMS
ERP Integration: Sales order create requests to ERP are triggered through webhooks
Order/Fulfilment status Update: Order status updates to eComm are triggered through webhooks
Notification Service Integration: Email / SMS notifications services are triggered through webhooks